(︎_archive) No Politics

Exhibition plan video

This art piece is called as "No Politics 不談政治". Many people feel repelled by politics and do not wish to discuss it. The mention of political issues often triggers various conflicts and divisions, and the government takes advantage of this tense atmosphere to manipulate politics and implement a White Terror.

這本無文字的書是通過激光切割製作的,香港基本法的所有文字都被刪除了。在這種白色恐 怖的氛圍下,我不希望作品的名字和內容太明顯,以避免引起不同派別之間的爭議。政府可能喜歡這種情況,因為它可以更自由地操縱政治並維持他們的權力。

This wordless book is made by laser cutting, and all the text of the Basic Law of Hong Kong has been removed. In this atmosphere of White Terror, I did not want the name and content of the work to be too revealing, because once politics is mentioned, it will inevitably cause disputes between different factions. The government may like this situation because it allows them to manipulate politics more freely and maintain their power.


However, the inner meaning of this book is profound. By deleting all the text of the Basic Law of Hong Kong, it expresses my deep disappointment with the development of the political situation in Hong Ko ng. The work satirizes the original capitalist system and way of life that the Basic Law stipulates to remain unchanged for fifty years. However, in the past twenty-six years, the Chinese government has exerted increasing control over Hong Kong, and the Basic Law has become unnecessary. The purpose of this artwork is not to change people's minds, but to stimulate people's thinking and discussion about the current political situation in Hong Kong. Through the deletion of text, I attempt to emphasize the meaningful political dialogue and freedom of speech in Hong Kong. reminding people to pay attention to the city's efforts for autonomy and the impact of external forces on its political landscape. This work has a profound symbolic significance for Hong Kong's c

ulture and society, worthy of our reflection.


In the exhibition plan, There will be a 110 pages of hanging paper interactive installation. , people can use the torch in their phone. The torch was like every citizen in real life, disturbing each other, but balancing the benefits and drawbacks of society with their opinions. The shadow of the text could counteract each other when illuminated from different angles, but if they viewed things from the same angle, the shadow would tend to one side. This illustrates that only with different voices in society, the shadow can have a balance point that can coexist.
